The Poetic Voice

 Dr. Ian Prattis


"This book is based on my life experiences with humanity and nature. Relying on wisdom gained via teachings

from First Nations and other spiritual traditions, I've journeyed through dark times into love and light. Through

my experiences I hope the reader can see glimpses of themselves and touch the emotional connection with their own spirit."

- Dr. Ian Prattis


"The verses of The Poetic Voice tell a story about life. From the boldness of youth to the quiet wisdom of senior years, Ian Prattis describes the human condition. Through life experience, connection and love the transcendent spirit evolves. Reading through these pages we see a glimpse of ourselves."

- Peggy Lehmann, Author, Editor



Title: The Poetic Voice
Author: Dr. Ian Prattis
Softcover ISBN 9781998938131/ $19.95 US

Hardcover ISBN 9781998938148 / $39.95 US
($24.95 CDN softcover / $45.95 CDN hardcover)

Fiction: Poetry / Prose re Environment Issues
Specs: 140 pages, 5.5"x8.5" Available now to order
Available from Ingram (and others)


"… encapsulates a wonderful life, a journey of mindfulness, difficulty, joy and love. Ian’s connection with the Indigenous, with nature, and his own avatar mortality is what we'll remember as a legacy that should impact generations to come."

- Claudiu Murgan, editor, Love Letters to Water


"…a collection of poems thematically arranged to the very soul of humanity.. The voice is powerful, the poetic lines rhythmic and the entire collection is filled with graceful imagery…."

- Romuald Dzemo, Readers Favorite


"Ian’s words reveal the great love in his heart, which he shares with every soul he touches…"

- Lynn Adamson–Malelli, Author, Artist


"… a beautiful synopsis of how you create what is around you. Starting with kind words for your rock – your beautiful wife - and ending with your new poems…"

- Krystina McGuire-Eggins, Therapist


"Every poem in this creation created a vivid painting in my mind… My ancestors brought him into my life several years ago… Dr. Ian Prattis is not only a magnificent collector of thoughts and words, he is a man of honour and beauty."

- Gayle Crosmaz, White Raven/Black Bear/Shaman


"… Ian Prattis offers a way to a perceptual transformation that is absolutely critical if we are to find a sustainable future."

- Dr. David Suzuki, author, CBC TV host, The Nature of Things


"Dr. Ian Prattis offers insightful and poetry advocating spiritualism and environmental protection and preservation."

- Michael B. Davie, author, Poetry for the Insane