Take a Hike / Fay Beck-Ryall
While you are pondering over which path to take, you find yourself wrestling with the steering wheel, while spinning your tires trying to get back onto the familiar road you have traveled all your life.
Quebec and Section 33 / Michael Davie
The threat of Quebec separation, that province's sign law violation of the human right of freedom of expression, and a decentralization trend that has weakened our federal government...
Why Everybody Hates Toronto / Michael Davie
From author Michael B. Davie initial goal was modest enough: I intended to write a somewhat superficial, irreverent, tongue-in-cheek book taking a few playful jabs at the city where I work as an editor and writer with The Toronto Star.
Gold Medal Misfits / Pat MacAdam
For sports fans everywhere! The untold story of a team cobbled together at the last minute that was so severely trounced in an exhibition match that many Canadians were against sending them to the Olympics for fear of embarrassment. With little financial support, the team stayed in fleabag hotels and were widely ridiculed -- until they hit Olympic ice and made hockey history.
Canada Decentralized / Michael Davie
Outnumbered 10 to one by provincial governments, federal government after federal government has tried to make peace with the provinces, often by ceding various federal powers to them.
Join Michael B. Davie as he explores the answer to the critical question: can our nation survive?