Sexual Power

Sexual Power / Rebecca Rosenblat

Rebecca Rosenblat, psychotherapist, relationship-sexuality therapist, bestselling author and TV host, asks: Are you in charge of your life and living out your dreams; or are you giving into others' rules and expectations?

It's time to take control, without anyone holding you back. Sexual Power will help you succeed at everything. You'll learn to connect with yourself, find meaning, build self-esteem, harness your power and become unstoppable!

Sexual power is the true equalizing force that'll empower you to achieve all you've longed for in love, work and life: You've got it, now use it!

Find the answers you've been searching for in Sexual Power, the breakthrough new book by Rebecca Rosenblat, whose top-rated TV show Sex @ 11 With Rebecca, routinely outdraws David Letterman's Late Show in its broadcast region!

 "Rebecca Rosenblat presents a unique, uncompromising woman's viewpoint on sexual behaviour. Using popular culture, recent research, her personal history and therapist experience, she confronts/debunks antiquated assumptions and gives savvy practical advice. Refreshingly unashamed, unapologetically unconventional, sometimes shocking, this book should be an eye-opener for any woman or man who suffers under the delusion that women are the weaker sex."
- Dr. Bruce Herzog, psychoanalyst

"Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to our Sexuality. We must claim and own our needs and desires. Sexual freedom is born when we can communicate our needs and desires to others; sexual power is born when we can communicate these things to ourselves. Rebecca helps you achieve both."
- Mercedes Jones, TV Host, Bringing Sexy Back

"Sexual Power fully engulfs you with its raw, honest brilliance."
- Jaime Silk, self-esteem therapist