Growing Up with the Hits!
Nevin Grant
The lastest offering from Manor House Publishing is now available on Amazon! "Nevin Grant offers his insightful recollections on the music, times, books, movies, fads, fashions and pop culture icons of 1955-1989 – a must read!"
Stop The Saboteurs
Paula Hope
Newly released globally on Amazon sites around the world, Stop The Saboteurs will soon be available in Canadian bookstores – with important signing events to take place at Indigo stores next month! This important self-esteem book is already drawing attention:
“Paula Hope's breakthrough book Stop the Saboteurs helps readers identify and overcome the self-defeating negative thoughts - the Saboteurs - that all too often invade our minds, undermine our ability to create the revenue we deserve and damage the brand we're trying to build. Stop the Saboteurs provides solutions towards conquering these self-destructive fears that get in the way of our new business growth. Want to end self-limitations and achieve great success? This is the book you need.”
- Michael Davie, author, Winning Ways
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